COVID-19 Case Count in North Carolina

By the Numbers

Updated daily by 11 a.m. each day. Last updated noon, March 14, 2020.

NC Cases*

NC Deaths

US Cases

US Deaths





*Number of Presumptive Positive and Confirmed Positive in North Carolina

Presumptive Positive - A positive COVID-19 test that still must be confirmed by another testing laboratory. NCDHHS is responding to presumptive positive cases by following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines to protect public health and limit the spread of infection.

Confirmed Positive - A confirmed positive case means the test has been confirmed by the CDC lab.

County Map

Situation Updates

NC State Laboratory of Public Health (NCSLPH)

The numbers in this section represent only NCSLPH testing and supplies.

  • As commercial laboratories come online with testing, the NCSLPH will continue to work with partners across the public health systems to support identification and confirmation of COVID-19, assess the prevalence of COVID-19 in a community, and provide testing for underserved populations who may not have access to commercial testing.
  • Supplies for approximately 560 patients at the NCSLPH and does not include supplies at university and commercial laboratories.
  • 160 total tests completed at the NCSLPH and does not include supplies at university and commercial laboratories.

Guidance and Timeline

  • Telework to the extent possible
  • Cancel events for more than 100 people
  • Complete list of North Carolina Guidance
  • CDC Travel Advisories
  • March 10: Governor Cooper declares State of Emergency
  • March 11: World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic
  • March 13: President Trump declares National Emergency